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Join Us

We would love to have you join us as a member of Durham Asian Law Journal

or contribute to our publication!


We are open to contributions related to any legal issue in Asia.


Publication of submissions will be subject to the Executive Committee's discretion and decision.

For Durham University Students:

Join us as a contributor via the DSU Website.

Contact us at to find out more.

Only membership-owners of ALJ (via the SU website) can send in articles!


  • I am interested in writing an article. How can I start?
    Fill in our google form here and let us know what you want to write about! If you are struggling with a topic to write, drop us an email and we can help brainstorm some ideas with you! *Before you fill up the form please make sure that you have registered via the DSU first, as we are unable to accept your work if you have not done so.
  • Are there any guidelines that I need to follow?
    Yes! If you are interested in writing an article, please fill in our google form here, and we will let you know if you can go ahead and write the article. Here are the guidelines to follow while writing the article: Times New Roman, font size 11, with OSCOLA referencing. The articles should be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages. If you need more space, do drop us an email!
  • When is the deadline for my article?
    We recommend that you submit your articles between 2-4 weeks from the approval of your article. If you need more time, just drop us an email and let us know!
  • Will my article be published?
    Our editors will go through your article and will let you know how to improve on the article. From there, we will decide whether your article will be published.
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